Monday, March 17, 2008

Power of Vakshakti for effective communication

my namaskaras at the Lotus Feet of Pujya Nimishananda Guruji.

i was contemplating on the above topic and i am inspired to share with you a small exercise on how to practise the yoga of discipline of speech to make communication effective.
Exercise :

Be in the awareness of whether the words you are uttering or going to utter is in tune with your inner voice. If it is then your words will empower others and you will be communicating effectively.

To hear your inner voice Maintain Mental Equipoise.


I have tried this many a times and it has worked for me. People take my words seriously and respect what I say when i speak with awareness but now i am inspired with the GRACE and BLESSINGS of Pujya Nimishananda Guruji to sustain this practice to experience the Grace of Vagdevi.

(at the Lotus Feet of Pujya Nimishananda Guruji always)

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